Meaning of ప్రకటన in Punjabi
- ਵਿਗਿਆਪਨ
- ਇਸ਼ਤਿਹਾਰ
- -ਸਮਝਕੇ
- ਘੋਸ਼ਣਾ
- ਐਲਾਨ
- ਡੇਕਲਾਮੇਸ਼ਨ
- ਲਾਗੂ
- ਵਾਕ ਵਿਚ
- ਬਿਆਨ ''
Meaning of ప్రకటన in English
English usage of ప్రకటన
- Galleries are also available of the posters and print ads used to advertise the movie.
- he had failed to advert to the consequences that his conduct was having
- a billboard advertising beer
- advertisements for alcoholic drinks
- movie audiences are receptive to advertising
- the spokesperson was about to make an announcement
- Shakespearean declamation
- they issued a declaration at the close of the talks
- Eisenhower signed a proclamation admitting Alaska to the Union
- distrust of the pronouncements of politicians was endemic
- do you agree with this statement?
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