Meaning of சுற்றளவு in Punjabi
- ਘੇਰਾ
- ਦੀਰਘਤਾ
- ਕਰਕੇ
- ਚੌਕਸਾਈ
- ਧੋਖੇ
- ਘੇਰੇ
- ਫਿਰਨੀ
Meaning of சுற்றளவு in English
English usage of சுற்றளவு
- His last work was on the cycloid, the curve traced by a point on the circumference of a rolling circle.
- The evidence is that originally the German keyboard produced circumflexes instead of umlauts but it was replaced by an English keyboard.
- the officials were very circumspect in their statements
- circumspection is required in the day-to-day exercise of administrative powers
- the perimeter of a rectangle
- new buildings on the periphery of the hospital site
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