Meaning of அமைதியான in Punjabi
- ਬਹੁਤ ਮਹੱਤਤਾ
- ਅਮਨ
- ਚੁੱਪ
- ਚਾਪ
- ਨਜ਼ਰ ਆਵੇ
- ਝਟਕਾ
- ਖਾਮੋਸ਼,
- ਸ਼ਰਾਬਾ
Meaning of அமைதியான in English
English usage of அமைதியான
- she gave a nonchalant shrug
- everything was so quiet and peaceful in the early morning
- the car has a quiet, economical engine
- the car has a quiet, economical engine
- her eyes were closed and she looked very serene
- her tranquil gaze
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