Meaning of સંસ્કાર in Punjabi
- ਰੀਤ
- ਸੰਸਕਾਰ
- ਪਰਸਾਦ
- ਸਨ ਫ੍ਰੈਨਸਿਸਕੋ
- ਬੇਅਦਬੀ
- ਪਵਿਤਰ
- ਸਮਸੂਨ
Meaning of સંસ્કાર in English
English usage of સંસ્કાર
- the rite of communion
- the rite of communion
- We are to participate in the life of Christ through the sacraments of the church.
- putting ecclesiastical vestments to secular use was considered sacrilege
- the individual's right to work has been upheld as sacrosanct
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