Meaning of ગતિ in Punjabi
- ਪੱਕਾ
- ਜੋਸ਼ ਵਿਚ
- ਮੋਸ਼ਨ
- ਤੇਜ਼
- ਮੰਜੂਰੀ
- ਗਤੀ
- ਛੇਤੀ ਹੀ
- ਦੇਦੇਵੇ
- ਸਪੀਡ
- ਸੱਜੇਪੱਖ
- ਸੁਧਾਰ
Meaning of ગતિ in English
English usage of ગતિ
- a remote Himalayan mountain fastness
- the laws of planetary motion
- the laws of planetary motion
- He always did that when we said goodbye: he'd walk a few paces , turn and wave.
- He always did that when we said goodbye: he'd walk a few paces , turn and wave.
- we turned onto the runway and began to gather speed
- we turned onto the runway and began to gather speed
- he crossed the room in a couple of strides
- he crossed the room in a couple of strides
Articles Related to ‘ગતિ’
ਅੱਖਰਾਂ 'ਤੇ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਕਰਕੇ ਹੋਰ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਵੇਖੋ