Meaning of কম্পন in Punjabi
- ਡਰਾਏਗਾ
- ਭੂਚਾਲ
- ਵਾਈਬ੍ਰੇਟ
- ਥਿੜਕਦਾ ਹੈ
- ਥਿੜਕਣ
- ਕੰਬਣੀ
Meaning of কম্পন in English
English usage of কম্পন
- there was a slight tremble in his voice
- a disorder that causes tremors and muscle rigidity
- the cabin started to vibrate
- the cabin started to vibrate
- powerful vibrations from an earthquake
- powerful vibrations from an earthquake
Articles Related to ‘কম্পন’
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