Meaning of विपुल in Punjabi
- ਲੁੱਟੇ
- ਪੱਕੀ ਹੋਈ
- ਾਰੀ
- ਵਧ
- ਮੁਫ਼ਤੀ
- ਦਿਉ
- ਫੈਲੀ
- ਧੋਤੇ
- ਪਕ੍ਕੀ ਹੋਈ
- ਵੱਡਾ
- ਵੱਡ
Meaning of विपुल in English
English usage of विपुल
- the earth yields a bounteous harvest
- Pictures of the ‘happy couple’ may not abound but there are plenteous images of friends, relations and even the dazzling bride herself in the home she shares with her son.
- I offered my profuse apologies
- rumors of a further scandal abound
- rumors of a further scandal abound
- his abounding creative talent
- rumors of a further scandal abound
- the pardon absolved them of any crimes
- in captivity, tigers are prolific breeders
- As the first notes sounded, that cramped little room metamorphosed into a voluminous space.
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