Meaning of लबादा in Punjabi
- ਚੋਗ਼ਾ
- ਮੈਕਨਾਤੋਸ਼
- ਮੈਕਿੰਟੌਸ਼
- ਚੋਗਾ
Meaning of लबादा in English
English usage of लबादा
- Though cloaks were standard dress from the 1st century AD, wool or linen clothes have not survived from Roman Britain.
- The cold, damp winters require heavy coats, mackintoshes (rain-coats), and warm woolen clothes.
- The selection of textiles range from a fragment of printed cotton purchased at a flea market to Parisian couture gowns, African wall hangings and Turkish robes .
Articles Related to ‘लबादा’
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