Meaning of पतला in Punjabi
- ਪੇਤਲੀ
- ਪਤਲਾ
- ਝੁਕਾਅ
- ਪਤਲੀ
- ਰੁਕ
- ਪਤਲੇ
Meaning of पतला in English
English usage of पतला
- bleach can be diluted with cold water
- The water turnover rates of hummingbirds feeding on dilute nectar are more similar to those of amphibious and aquatic organisms than to those of terrestrial vertebrates.
- the road climbs a long incline through a forest
- his skinny arms
- her slender neck
- the tail tapers to a rounded tip
- thin slices of bread
- Pesticide products in pressurized cylinders, oil, antifreeze, tires, paints, varnishes, thinners , cleaners and solvents will not be accepted.
Articles Related to ‘पतला’
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