Meaning of दुविधा में पड़ा हुआ in Punjabi
- ਝਿਜਕ
- ਨਿਕਲਿਆ
- ਦੁਚਿੱਤਾ
- ਿਿੱਿਿਰਤੀ
- ਬੇਯਕੀਨੀ
- ਦੁਵਿਧਾ
Meaning of दुविधा में पड़ा हुआ in English
English usage of दुविधा में पड़ा हुआ
- clients are hesitant about buying
- the medical evidence is inconclusive
- these experimental results are indecisive
- the date of manufacture is indeterminate
- she felt the lie was unconvincing
- the jury remained undecided
Synonyms of ‘दुविधा में पड़ा हुआ’
Antonyms of ‘दुविधा में पड़ा हुआ’
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