Meaning of उद्रेक in Punjabi
- ਫੁੱਟਿਆ
- ਫਟਣ
- ਸ਼ੁਰੂ
- ਮਾਡ਼ਾ
- ਰੋਹ
- ਵਿਸਫੋਟ
Meaning of उद्रेक in English
English usage of उद्रेक
- Mount Pinatubo began erupting in June
- the eruption of Vesuvius
- the outbreak of World War II
- the outbreak of World War II
- “she screamed at him about it one day,” said one source who witnessed the outburst
- “she screamed at him about it one day,” said one source who witnessed the outburst
Articles Related to ‘उद्रेक’
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