Meaning of आक्रमक in Punjabi
- ਹਮਲਾਵਰ
- ਮੁਲਜ਼ਿਮ
- ਹਮਲਾ
- ਖਤਰਨਾਕ
- ਅਜਿਹੀ
- ਸਕਣੀ
Meaning of आक्रमक in English
English usage of आक्रमक
- he's very uncooperative and aggressive
- So I'd attack my aggressors whether they were stronger than me or not.
- So I'd attack my aggressors whether they were stronger than me or not.
- it is a country that has repelled all invaders
- ‘Polyp cancers’ are defined as invasive cancers removed at colonoscopy when colectomy was not carried out
- she'd put herself in an invidious position
- the mesmerizing onrush of the sea
Articles Related to ‘आक्रमक’
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